A review by geethr75
Stargun Messenger by Darby Harn

I'll be honest here. The blurb didn't captivate me. But the book now! It was the best read of my lot and I'm so glad I got to read it. The character of Idari and her struggles with the dichotomy between her machine body and human heart is something that I found compelling. The snarky conversations she has with CR-UX are entertaining and the feelings she develops for Emera are as confusing as they are real.

I'm not a fan of insta love in fiction. Insta lust is more understandable, but love? Nope. Still, the way it was written, I barely noticed it till I had finished the book and thought about it. Idari's feelings for Emera at first are more than mere love. It's the awe of finding a living star, and something almost bordering on reverence. It morphs into love almost as quickly, but it is never untouched by that awe and reverence.

I found the side characters well fleshed out as well, and the overall plot was cohesive and well balanced. The prose was lush and flowing and very very beautiful. This is not an easy read or a short read, but it is a worthwhile read.

The different races and the world itself is fleshed out well, but there are no lengthy narrations. It's a deft hand that the author has and I admire their restraint.

There is nothing about this book I didn't love. If you love space operas, sci fi adventures, complex philosophical ruminations (which are buried under liquor and snark), and suprises galore which are foreshadowed with the lightest of touches, believable and memorable characters and great world building, this could be the book for you.