A review by nikkivrc
Reizen zonder John: op zoek naar Amerika by Geert Mak


The basic plot of this book is Mak retracing John Steinbeck's steps in his [b:Travels with Charley: In Search of America|5306|Travels with Charley In Search of America|John Steinbeck|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347394032s/5306.jpg|1024827], but it is so much more than that. Mak manages to interweave his description of his trip with American history (which is great, since that's not taught at all in Belgian schools), sociology, politics, economics and of course Steinbeck's own trip 50 years ago and his life in general. The result is a ridiculously interesting book that sketches a broad view of America and the way it has evolved since its founding.