A review by sams84
Our Final Warning: Six Degrees of Climate Emergency by Mark Lynas


We all need to read this, listen to this and take action from this. This is our Ghost of Christmas Future.

This is one of the most honest, upfront and no-nonsense-for-the-love-of-humanity-do-something books on climate change that I have read in many years working as an ecologist and many more years as an environmentalist. Lynas does not sugarcoat anything and does not shy aware from the problems, its causes and its certain and likely outcomes (yes climate change, or the more accurate climate breakdown, is real and it is happening now). He combines and compresses all of the scientific evidence, consensus (99% of all scientists people, 99%) and areas of uncertainty into one clear path to our own exctinction and how we can avoid it. It is clearly written, easy to follow (although depressing as we have had decades to avoid this point), and can be and should be read by just about anyone. Lynas does focus on the human tragedy of climate breakdown but he does cover the implications for wildlife and biodiversity in and of itself as well as the implications of this on us as a species. If this, coupled with the pioneering efforts of the younger generations to get us to take action, fails in us taking action then we really do only have ourselves to blame.