A review by srsanderson
Death Without Company: A Longmire Mystery by Craig Johnson


Walt Longmire & Co. are back in the novel, Death Without Company, and compared to the first book in the series, [b:The Cold Dish|109901|The Cold Dish (Walt Longmire, #1)|Craig Johnson|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1398028367s/109901.jpg|105919], this is just as exciting. This book picks up mere months after the end of The Cold Dish, so there is really no catching up to do on the reader's part.

I like how [a:Craig Johnson|63607|Craig Johnson|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1349965600p2/63607.jpg] starts his books, with an immediate bang . After the initial bomb is dropped, and the story is set up for the reader, Johnson builds and builds the suspense up to the climax of the novel. I liked that there was a similar formula to the first book, (meaning there is a mystery that needs to be solved with the help of many people from the county) but there was a different motive behind the murders in this book.... money, not revenge. It makes for a different read for sure.

While I don't really like summarizing books in my review, I will say that this book serves as some great background to all of the characters introduced in the first novel. We also get to meet Walt's daughter Cady, who seems to have as much personality as he does.

Overall, I feel like the entirety of this series will be well written and consistent.