A review by purplemoonmyst
Rising Strong by Brené Brown


Why I decided to read this book

A book club that I am a member of on Facebook picked this as their book to read last month.

my review

I wasn't quite sure what I would think of this book. It is about failing after all. No one likes to talk about failing and no one like the feeling of vulnerability. I know when I feel emotionally naked I hate the discomfort it brings. So to have a whole book about topics that I try and avoid. Well..

I am surprised to say I loved it! Brene Brown, hereself tells stories that I could relate to about being vulnerable. She also has good research to back up her studies.  She shows that when we allow ourselves to feel valuable that we can move up and out of the place that we feel that we are chained to. I admit I have never thought of it like that. That if I allow myself to be variable and to set boundaries that I can move out of my negative head space into a place where I can respond with love. I have even tried this a few times, and it has worked!

Another thing that I never thought about was using her "Shitty First Drafts" tow write the story of what I THINK is happening. I tell myself that x and z hates me because of whatever reason that is floating in my brain at the moment. I have a shizoeffective disorder so there can be some pretty horrible things my mind comes up with. I then get mad and before I know it my whole day has gone down the shit hole. Now I can sit down open up Penzu and write down I think this is happening then later go back and see how much of it was in my head and how much of it is based in reality. I haven't had a chance to try this yet. But I will. I always feel better after writing down my thoughts so this will be a good exercise for me.

Overall I think that this is a book that everyone can benefit from. I encourage you to buy the book so that you can go back over it again and again.This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land