A review by pinxsol
Magical Midlife Dating by K.F. Breene


The book was good, i'd say 3.8* at least. Unfortunately, it's got some problems that are turning me off from reading any more.
I ate up the first book, it seemed the plot was progressing at just the right pace, and I knew what the ending would be miles ahead, so I was patient and let it play out.
This second book, though? The plot is dragging at a snail's pace, and literally nothing is happening. The buildup is either weak or isn't there at all, the denouement of the whole plotline was very meh.
It was a good read still, the author definitely knows her craft, and I really love the writing style. But if I have to read another repeat of the same idea/thought that had been randomly circulated and regurgitated a million times throughout the book, I'll barf.