A review by hjswinford
Hunt, Gather, Parent: What Ancient Cultures Teach Us about the Lost Art of Raising Happy, Helpful Little Humans by Michaeleen Doucleff


4.5 stars.

I know this wasn't the most amazing book ever, and honestly I didn't actually LEARN that much, but I really enjoyed how all this information was presented and the practical applications of this information was laid out.

Another reviewer I read said that if you go into this thinking of it as more of an anecdotal, memoir kind of book with a few tips and recommendation, you'll enjoy it more. And I think that's very true. Doucleff referenced many other more scientific works that helped support her ideas, but this book itself was not incredibly scientific. I found that perfectly fine. And the author's daughter, a wild child who she was desperate to tame, reminded me so much of one of my kids that I empathized with her a lot and I am excited to implement a few strategies from this book into my own daily life.

Like all parenting advice book, I don't think this was AMAZING, but it did made me stop and think about a lot of things and I think that mindfulness in my interactions with my children will go a long way.