A review by carolpk
Death Without Company: A Longmire Mystery by Craig Johnson


I really liked this for what it is, a solid second entry of a series that has many fans, awards and accolades. Its popularity has notched up due to the A&E TV program Longmire. The TV program has encouraged me to get on board with the books. I'm a fan of both which in the end means I'm becoming a fan of Craig Johnson.

I'm not quite in the saddle yet having only read two but I do know there is a great deal appeal here. The interplay alone between the Sheriff, Walt Longmire and Cheyenne, Henry Standing Bear, would keep me reading. The friendship, loyalty and regard they have for each other is refreshing and so often missing in characters. Sheriff Longmire is a complicated man with strong ties to many of the continuing characters in Wyoming's Absaroka County. Two new deputies were added this time and I'm looking forward to their return in book three.

Of course there's a mystery to solve and getting to the solution is satisfying. There are some loose ends but the main story ends, allowing a realistic closure to this crime, but assuring you'll be back to see what happens next.

A side note regarding the A&E program Longmire vs. The Longmire Mysteries. I have watched three seasons of Longmire before returning to the backlog of books. Do I see Robert Taylor or Lou Diamond Phillips or any of the characters as they are portrayed on tv. Not really. Though I think Longmire stays true to Johsnon's intent, my own vision of them is quite different. I like what I see in both.

I would never have thought I'd like this modern day western but I do. Johnson does a great job building his set, and staging his players.