A review by cavalary
The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss


It's true; you may not want to buy this book. It's too short but the price doesn't reflect it, the illustrations and at times even the writing style make it look like a children's story despite being anything but, and it most definitely doesn't do the things a story should. It doesn't depict a series of extraordinary events, it features no real action to speak of and doesn't even have an actual cast of characters. Instead, it depicts a few days of the mundane, daily life of a single character, all alone. An unusual character, spending most of her time alone with her own demons and her own mind. Which is, most definitely, well, different.
It may be said that this is a book about Auri and the Underthing, but that'd hardly be right. More accurately, it may be said that this is not a book for those who are or like to consider themselves "normal" in any way. Most of all, however, it must be said that this book is about, and for, those of us who are different. It is for those of us who are strange and broken, shattered and alone, but aware of it and still caring, still involved, seeking to understand and to be understood, and desperately hoping for someone whose demons play well with our own.
You are not alone.