A review by loverofromance
Fire Bound by Christine Feehan


This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance


Lissa Piner, is a talented glass blower and is slowly building up her reputation and has been invited to share her work in prestigious hotels and her plan is to go without any protection. She doesn't need any problems from her over protective sisters and brothers in law. And Lissa, at first thought she had finally was home free so she could put into play her real plans, but Gavriil sent his brother Casmir after her to protect her. Casmir has lived a life of hardship, having his parents murdered and taken away from all of his brothers and trained in a brutal school in Russia. He wants to do this one thing for his brothers, to protect this one fiery haired woman whom he knows is his but doesn't wish to contaminate her life with his past or that he is hunted. Lissa is out to get justice on those that killed her parents, and to stop the threat against the Prakenskii brothers who have a hit out on them. She will do anything to protect her adopted family even become the killer that her uncle trained her to be. But Lissa will learn truths about her past and Casmir will steady her and help her heal the worst of wounds. But the fight they have up ahead to destroy their greatest enemy might be their toughest challenge...

Plot and Story Line

Fire Bound was such a wonderful addition to this series, and I had a blast reading this one. I have been in love with the way Feehan has written this series so far, and Fire Bound was a great story. I was able to obtain it through my library through audio, and so it took some time to get through it, but it was so fun to see the way this book unfolded. There were some heartbreaking moments, especially for Lissa and Casmir. It was quite  hard to see them go through some challenges here. I really adored both of these characters together and see them fall in love. What I really admired was seeing the slow burn romance that these two build through the story. There is a element of danger from beginning to end, which makes sense considering that they are surrounded by enemies. What I adore about the these two being together, was how well they work in harmony together, especially when it comes to missions. Casmir may be overprotective at times, but he also understands her abilities and how important these missions are to her and respects that and I admired that fully. Especially considering that at the beginning he appears to be such a dominant alpha male, but as the story continues you see hidden depths to him and we see the gentle and kind side of him as well as the hard and brutal side. And another treat was seeing the last brother enter the story for a time. And boy I really liked him and it was quite fun to see him and Lissa go at it hehe

The Narration

The narration was a standard job, the voice was satisfying but not one of those that really stands out. But she did a overall decent job, but she did the Russian and European accents pretty well especially with the fancy Russian words that were put in place. It was very interesting experience, because Carol Monda was a new narrator for me to listen to and I did like how she did the perfect job for creating the right moods for the story. Well Done.

The Cover

I have loved all the covers in this series, but this one is a bit "bleh" to me. Nothing significant and I wish they had done a bit more with it like the other classes.

Overall View

Fire Bound is a thrilling and fast paced romance which creates vivid emotion, stunning detail and sexy romance that is guaranteed to bring a smile on your face and leave you excited for book 6!!!!
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