A review by soozn79
The Three Emperors: Three Cousins, Three Empires and the Road to World War One by Miranda Carter


An extremely thorough, substantial look at the events leading to WWI and the parts the three emperors played in it. This, for me, was a very tedious scavenge through loads and loads of political minutiae for interesting relevant parts here and there. Admittedly I was more interested in the people themselves and their relationships with one another and not so much every single last detail of the hows and whys of the causes of WWI.
My one big nitpick is her writing style. She loves to construct long, complicated sentences that have clauses within clauses. By the time you exit the parenthetical you’re having to start back at the beginning again to remember what point she started out making. *eyeroll* You’d think she was being paid per comma and dash. So for me that just made the reading that much more of a slog.
Overall it was enlightening and does a good job of filling in other perspectives after having read other books on these figures and events. 3.5 stars.