A review by skyhazzard
Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare, Devon Bostick, Sarah Rees Brennan


I enjoyed this story so much. First off I just love Simon, he's been my fave since the first book so to have a story all about him was great. Lots of lol moments, I was dying a lot. And I absolutely love George, he's a cutiepatootie! I think the accent helped. ;)

There's a lot of narrators for these stories that I love and watch on shows so audiobook was definitely the way to go for me. Devon Bostick did a wonderful job.

And now time for my notes section which will be tagged as spoilers!

-lol Simon's mom thinks hes going away to military school
-;_; Simon's mom threw him out, that wasn't unconditional love, but his sister loves him! :')
-lol Jace offered to train him and Simon thought that meant they were closer than he thought
-wonder if somehow Simon will get his memories back (note: apparently if he successfully Ascends he will)
-loooool dying, Simon asked if Jace and him were tight! And Jace crossed his fingers and was like this tight!
-aw Simon knowing nothing is hilarious
-and Jace taking advantage of him
-lool hugs for everyone
-I like George, not sure if it's just because of the accent
-the way Shadowhunters talk about mundanes -_-
-can Simon and George become good friends pls
-Simon thought he used to be a lady killer XD
-Simon's good at archery, thank the lord
-ahhhh Izzy staking her claim on Simon
-they brought up Lord Montgomery!!!