A review by emilymahar
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers


MY FEELS!!! Grave Mercy had everything that my perfect historical fiction should have in it. There was action, romance, some paranormal/fantasyish aspects and female main character that wouldn't just kick your butt, but she'd kill it.

I loved how some of the characters were actual people during the time period, but the addition of the fictional parts made this book so entertaining! The idea that nuns are assassins was awesome, and I loved the aspects of the royalty and all the drama that comes with nobles! The mystery and betrayal had me unable to put the book down, and kept me guessing!

Ismae is one of my favorite main characters ever in YA. I really liked how she was so different than other YA heroines. She was fierce, strong, has amazing fighting skills and getting to be inside her head was really interesting. I liked seeing her open up to Duval throughout the book. At first I hated Duval, but I came to really like him towards the middle to end of the book. I also really loved the duchess, Anne, and Isabeau! Those two were adorable! I didn't really like Sybella, but I did enjoy Annith.

Overall, I loved Grave Mercy!! It was SUCH a great book! It was so much better than I was expecting! I can't wait to read Dark Triumph, which follows Sybella. Hopefully I'll come to like her and maybe we'll get to see what happens next with Ismae and Duval, too!