A review by geethr75
Tasmanian Gothic by Mikhaeyla Kopievsky

This was yet another SPSFC read. While the language was entertaining and the flow good, I couldn't connect with the main character like at all. There is some character growth over the pages, but on the whole, I struggled with it. Solari's only goal seems to be to keep on existing somehow and all her actions are reactions to situations that could potentially affect her survival. She never takes decisions till she's pushed into a corner, and even then, she doesn't seem to want to do anything except maybe just go on as she is.


She doesn't want to take Jerath's offer to get rid of her ex till the man literally cuts off her fingers. She doesn't take the Fixer's offer to take her to the North till the accidental murder of a reptilia forces her hand. Going to the North was her goal only when she thought it would help her find her mother. Even in the mutant enclave, she doesn't think of finding her mother till another mutant tells her she'd been there.

To me, a character just existing is boring plot. Because she lives in a brutal, harsh, world of ganglords and mutants, there is plenty of action, but the overall lack of agency on Solari's part and the lack of a plot as such made it a dull read.

Again, this reflects my own views and not that of the team.

For all its flaws this is a fast paced and well written book. If you like dystopian and post apocalyptic sci fi, you might enjoy this.

It just wasn't for me.