A review by booksandbraids
In the Woods by Tana French


I don’t know what to give this book. It has been several days since I’ve finished it and I still don’t know what to do. It was so good! For 90% of it.
My only complaint is their relationship. THEY WERE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER! I was prepared to wait books for them to finally get together. I mistakenly thought the entire series was about then- like Bones. BUT NOOOO. Not only did they not get together, they self destructed in the most depressing way ever. I didn’t even want to finish the book after everything went to shit. I don’t even think it’s that I’m a romance reader and look for romance in everything- although maybe I do. It truly felt like they were perfect together. And for her to be engaged to Sam already?! Omg. I was devastated. 

Here is my commentary from while reading

- 3:33:19 so a full time detective in Dublin can’t afford the rent to live on his own? I don’t know if it is depressing or comforting to know that housing was already a disaster pre-pandemic 
- 04:11:23 she was raped postmortem with an implement of some kind?! My first instinct was to say omg that is awful. Although giving it some more thought, I guess it is better than her being alive and aware of being raped as the last experience before she died…. 
- 05:25:22 shouldn’t there be the Irish form of a social security number attached to police files?  Shouldn’t that link his adult cop self to today?
- 06:01:19 He doesn’t know why she left Trinity in her fourth year. Obviously she was raped. 
- 09:26:47 stop reiterating that you are only friends- like cousins. I desperately what them to get together!!! 
- 13:46:25 AGHHHHHHH THEY ARE KISSING THEY ARE KISSING!!!! *runs around in a complete fangirl panic*
- wait wait wait are you saying that was a one time thing??! 
- 13:46:25 I’m actually crying over how badly this turned out. This feels like Jo and Laurie from Little Women. They BELONG together. I’m absolutely shattered. I was ready to wait books and books for them to finally get together. To have it end like this? Rubbish
- I made the mistake of looking at the synopsis of the next couple of books. Which has told me that they are not all about Ryan and Cassie and I am so freaking devastated I don’t even want to read the series anymore. Their relationship was what made this book good. 
- 14:38:51 Now I don’t even want to finish this book I’m so pissed off at Ryan and his stupidity 
- 16:18:08 we have the killer. How are there still 4 hours left?
- 18:06:09 I’m thrilled that they caught the killer, got the full story, and realized that the sister was the person who plotted the whole thing… but Ryan just called Cassie’s voice beautiful. He has previously called her beautiful. Why the fuck couldn’t he give being together a shot when they are best friends, get along so swimmingly, and find one another attractive? I understand he didn’t want the pressure of “being a boyfriend”. But honestly nothing would have changed. Their relationship and friendship would have been the same, they would have seen each other the same amount- after all he already was at her place constantly and frequently spent the night. They would just have some additional benefits! THEY WERE MADE FOR EACH OTHER!!!
- 19:19:21 OMG HE GOT HER AGE WRONG?! All of that is inadmissible?!? OMFG. Did she know? Is that why she spoke and confessed?