A review by librarydreams
A Kids Book about Sexual Abuse: Kids Are Ready by Evelyn Young

challenging emotional informative medium-paced


It's important to note that this book is written for kids that have not been sexually abused. It's filled with information to give kids the tools they need to identify abuse, and the encouragement they may need to report it. That being said, this book may be a useful tool to read to kids you suspect may have been abused as it may help them clarify what happened in their own minds and ease them into speaking about it.

A Kids Book About consistently puts out the best books on the market about tough and abstract topics, and this one is no exception. They handle the topics with no sugarcoating and no condescension, while still exploring the content in a safe and approachable manner. The use of basic typography and colors to convey mood and meaning work better than pictures ever could. 

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