A review by readingadventures
A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab


I hate my life!... but not this book.

Am I surprised I adored this book? Not really. Has V.E. Schwab proven her skills again? Not that she needed to, but Yes! Am I having a cliffhanger induced headache, stomachache and panic attack? HELL YES.

From this point on there may be mild spoilers, you've been warned!

Before I start ranting about the amazingness of this book, lets start with the only two things, that were not necessary bad but did irk me a little, one was the lack of Kell and Lila interactions, I get why Victoria Schwab decided to go this route but I just crave their banter with a fiery passion!, number two was the plot itself, don't get me wrong I loved the plot it was really well done and interesting and I get why things had to happen the way they did, however, it did dragged a little (tiny bit) in the middle. Now, this complains don't reflect on my rating because they are minor (really minor, I was really looking for something here).

Anyway, let's start the official rant. DELILA BARD is a reckless, clever, stupid thief and the non-existent amount of concern for her own safety made me want to slap her, in the best way possible! As always this thief has proven not only strong and resourceful, but brilliantly skilled and likeable as hell. I'll be surprised if I heard someone say they didn't like her, SHOCKED if I'm totally honest.
KELL! this man/over-protective dad/puppy/romantic/nerd is the reason I may die. I just love Kell and everything he stands for, I love how his frown is still in place and the heart in his chest is still as soft as marshmallows. I may die loving this man, and i don't even care.
Rhy, you flirty, dramatic, pained bunny, please please please stop being so trusting, please!
Holland, here is a thing no one understands, not even me, I love Holland! is it rational? No. Do I care? Not. even. one. shred.
Hello and welcome to the club of characters written by Victoria Schwab that I love, Captain Alucard Emery. You are a flirty marvel and even though I didn't want to like you, I couldn't contain myself, It was probably the fact that he bode so well with Lila, if Lila approves, I approve. That is probably the stupidest thing I have ever written.

This book was everything that I wanted. It had a magic tournament, impostors, knives, masks, world expanding brilliantness, cliffhanger, grins and sharp smiles, but most importantly, pain!

As a closing statement to this ridiculous "review": Rhy and Kell's relationship is the reason I live! Kell and Lila's relationship is the reason I live! I WANT THE NEXT BOOK NOW! Could accept others including: Next book in The Archived Series?(trilogy?), and This Savage Song... the end!

Kell's pain and powerlessness is the reason I DIEEEEE!