A review by raeanne
Sunny by Jason Reynolds


Borrowed audiobook from local e-library. Listened to on 12/24 while x-stitching.

Highly recommend listening to Sunny's unique POV narrative. There's no way my internal reading voice would've done Sunny justice. To borrow a cliqued phrase, he marches to the beat of his own drum.

For instance, everything has a sound. And he dances all the time.

He's very in his head, being home-schooled with a private tutor and small social circle. It's Darryl/Dad and The Defenders.

The letter he wrote to his mom is heartbreaking. The breakthrough with his dad is great. The Defenders support & love are amazing.

I can't wait to finish these series off with Lu.

Also, highly recommend looking into the Baraka film Sunny goes to see if you don't know about it. I certainly didn't and it helped me understand him better.