A review by bryckk
A Flock of Vampires by Everlyn C. Thompson, Everlyn C. Thompson


Stu & Keltti: Sweet Couple But Not Enough Intimacy On Page

This book was referred by a Paranormal Facebook group I’m in and I really enjoyed the story. However, it just felt like it could have been… more.

This story puts me in the mind of the Black Dagger Brotherhood but instead you have soldiers in the Vampire King’s Army. These are seven vampires who have taken an oath not to only protect vampires but all supernatural beings. We have Stu, a hard as nails soldier who falls for a healer named Keltti, a witch who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. They have an instant attraction to one another and Stu is determined to ignore the obvious attraction: Keltti is his mate.

I loved the back and forth between these two and the side characters (soldiers) makes me want to continue this series just to read their stories. However, even though Stu and Keltti had some hot scenes, I felt that it was a huge build up to nothing. There were many references to what they wanted to do sexually to each other in the book, but I felt like I was built up and the book failed to deliver the scene the author kept reading us would happen between the two only to fade ti black and the end and have them consummating their relationship off-page.


Nevertheless, the story will hold your attention and the plot is excellent. But don’t look for smut or dirty talk because you won’t find any. Still a good read.

Happy Reading!