A review by kaetheluise_nckl
Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte


written on 06/30/2019

This book has one of the most twisted plots I've ever read. Of course, seeing as the fact that all four Queens die in the progression of said plot, it seems as if the plot is predictable, but that is the one thing it is not.
I would also say that Four Dead Queens is a good book to get into Murder Mystery as well as Sci-Fi with, if those are genres you are looking to try, but are hesitant to sway from fantasy, since the book incorporates Murder Mystery, Sci-Fi, Fantasy and historical elements into the beloved "split society" trope, which works surprisingly well. As a reader, you are bound to find a Quadrant and characters that you identify with most, as is common with such a trope, and thus you will be pulled into the story further.
I liked the fact that, even though the Queens' deaths are preestablished, you still get the thrill of looking for the murderer, and in this book, the combination with all those plot twists is a refreshing aspect.
However, I wish that the lore established within all Quadrants would be explored a bit further, and I would have also loved to learn more about the relationship between Iris and Corra, especially since that would have been a good opportunity for LGBTQ+ representation.
If plot twists frustrate you, this book is also not the one for you.