A review by tanya_tate
Feral Kingdom : Volume I by Feara W.


Book Stats 
Stars: 3.5 Stars
Start Date: 01/1/24
Ending Date:  1/17/24
Genre:  Fantasy, Romance
Form: Epub
Page Count: 229
Publishing Date: 11/29/2024
Point of View: 3rd Person
Setting: Asia
CW: Abuse, Trauma

On my Blog (https://tanyasreading.wordpress.com/2024/01/21/feral-kingdom-by-feara-w/) and on StoryGraph (https://app.thestorygraph.com/reviews/c7a1d362-186e-4343-8621-7939de9016f3?redirect=true )

Feral Kingdom is about a young King named Young Ji ,who is trying to stop his kingdom from going to war with two neighboring kingdoms who want him to pick a side to fight on. His soldiers while in the Forest of Death, finds a young woman name Shala has fighting abilities that can help train his arum to fight in this upcoming war. In exchange to help the other one out, Shala agrees to help train his army in exchange of becoming Young Ji's Consort which offers protection inside his kingdom. As the two get closer together because of the deal they made with each other ,court intrigue, war and mysterious past looms between them.

I found this one thanks to an Instagram ad and decided to check it out which I'm glad I did. All and All I did enjoy this a lot from the characters, plot and setting but the last 20% felt rushed to me. Like the author should have written maybe 10 -20 more pages so certain things would felt rush and happen off screen which it shouldn't been off screen. Other than that I enjoyed it and like the fact it was a short read but could have benefitted with a few more pages especially since it ended with a cliffhanger.. Can't wait for part two.