A review by teganfreyja
Empress of Fae by Briar Boleyn


I received this ARC from Netgalley for free in exchange for an honest review. Spoilers will be in a separate section of this review marked by brackets.

I'm of two minds about this book. Between this book and the second book I feel that this author knows how to write great endings but doesn't know how to start the beginnings. The first half of the book I felt like the author was trying to write their way out of a corner. I felt this way about the second book as well however this book undoes some things that happened in the second book. That was frustrating to me.

The spice was there (and I'm impressed by how the wording of the spicy scenes haven't seemed to repeat in the three books I've read so far) but that doesn't make up for the juvenile behaviour from MC.

Again, I was mystified by MCs motivation. When we left her at the end of the second book she hated her LI but within a chapter she loved him again? At one point she asked herself if her LI missed her and I was like YOU HATE HIM WHY DO YOU CARE?? I can't deal with this 'will they, won't they' plot line. It never felt genuine to me, almost like it was delaying the inevitable. There were parts that were so cliche it had me physically rolling my eyes. It also felt like the author needed to drum up drama for the end of the second book and undoes those choices almost immediately upon the beginning of the this book.

For the most part of this book MC was steady with her emotions regarding her LI but I was never sure it would stay that way. That could be good or bad depending on your perspective. The MCs moods are really unpredictable when it comes to her LI and after only *one* book of constant back and forth and emotions seemingly flipping on a dime... I was so tired by it all. I'm glad she finally decided to accept her situation (and her own feelings?) but sprinting into love just after declaring her hate for the same person is so frustrating.

It was interesting to get LI's POV but those chapters didn't land as much as I had hoped. I was hoping he'd be three dimensional by now, especially seeing as we were viewing the world through his eyes but that didn't come to pass. His main motivations were SEX and PROTECT and not much else.

I started and finished this book within two days. Despite all my criticisms this author knows how to keep me spellbound. I did have to force my way through to the half way mark and almost didn't finish this book. I'll still read the fourth one but my standards are getting lower and lower with each book. Here's hoping the fourth book really pulls it off!

#BloodofaFaeSeries #netgalley