A review by aprildiamond
Princess Nevermore by Dian Curtis Regan


This book had a great premise, honestly. It's been done before, but the whole "someone from another world comes to the real world" thing can be fun no matter how many times it's been done, as long as the story is good.

Yeah, this book dropped the ball, big-time.

Quinn, the princess of an underground world, ends up on Earth in present day. The story is pretty decent as she first gets there, but when she meets the family she ends up staying with, it all goes downhill. In the family are a brother (Adam) and a sister (Sarah), who both suck for different reasons.

Sarah is annoying almost the entire book, because she's constantly jealous of Quinn, who has drawn the attention of a guy at school, Zack. (Oh boy, more about him later). Sarah likes Zack, for whatever reason, and he wants Quinn. Anyway, so Sarah's entire personality is to be jealous and rude until like, right before the end when she tries to redeem herself, but does a terrible job because she told Zack Quinn's secret that she promised not to tell. Whatever.

Adam is painted as the "nice, respectful guy" but there are serious problems with him, too. So basically he says that he loves Quinn after knowing her for less than a day, just because she's pretty. Wow, we love meaningful relationships! Also, he is super possessive of her, which is weird. In addition, there's a part where he gets in a fight with Zack over who gets to take Quinn to the dance??? Like, I guess she can't decide for her own self??? Anyway, during this stupid fight (which is a weird fake joust for whatever reason), Quinn tells Adam not to do it because Zack is bigger and will obviously not stick to the rules. This is probably the only smart thing she says the entire book. But, Adam gets mad at her, I guess because his masculinity was threatened?? Who knows.

And then he loses the fight because Zack doesn't stick to the rules. Wow. Who could have seen that one coming? Oh, and this line is literally in the book during this scene: "The humiliation of being saved by a maiden would be too much to bear." ??? I almost gave up right then and there but I knew that I had to suffer through the rest so that I could fully warn you guys about this book. I made sacrifices for you all, I hope you appreciate it.

Quinn, as a main character, is kinda pathetic. Like I said with Adam, she decides that "oh, I'm in love with you" after not even A DAY. I totally understand her hesitation to go back home, considering that she has no real freedom to choose things in her life. But then she never actually makes her own choices when she's in our world! Zack wins the fight, so she is compelled to go with him to the dance?? What happened to choosing your own life? The book continues in this vein, where Quinn does nothing for herself, and it's frustrating. She only really makes one choice, and that's to go back home.

Also, she tells Melikar to not make Adam forget about her? Why??? That's honestly horrible because now the guy is going to be thinking about her, when pretty much everyone else in his life DOESN'T REMEMBER HER. What a great time.

Zack is disgusting. Like, straight up the worst. He drives while drunk, harasses people, and sexually assaults Quinn by kissing her when she never 1) gave him permission 2) even HINTED that she liked him or that she wanted to kiss him. He also believes girls to be his objects. Creepy, nasty dude. Normally, this would just make him a great antagonist (and it does). Like, there are terrible people and this is one of them. But the worst part is that girls in the book like him!!! What?? He never shows any traits that make him even mildly okay as a person, but a bunch of girls want to go to the dance with him or whatever. What total BS.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that the book sucks. None of the characters are likable or even relatable, and the plot, which could have been interesting if it went the route of LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE, is a bunch of nonsense about TEEN DRAMA. I mean, even a story about Quinn accidentally getting far from the wishing pool and trying to find her way back would have been better. It was tedious to get through this book and it's just not interesting. If you're looking for a fantasy/adventure book about a princess, read [b:Dealing with Dragons|150739|Dealing with Dragons (Enchanted Forest Chronicles, #1)|Patricia C. Wrede|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1385526967i/150739._SY75_.jpg|1178402]. It's so much better, trust.

Oh, and if I ever see the word "lad" again, I'm going to scream.