A review by cavalary
The Valley of Thunder by Charles de Lint


In this case, it's obvious the author is not the same as the one who wrote the previous book and it's also obvious he's not better than that one.
In this book, the characters don't move from one world to another, all the action being on the fifth world, minus a certain illusion at the beginning. In the first, they started on the Earth of 1868, wound up in the first level of The Dungeon and the end of the book caught them in the second level. In the second they really marched on, starting in the second level, passing it, then the third and fourth, with the end of the book catching them just as they're passing into the fifth.
The transition from world four to world five is troubling for Clive, as apparently the forces that run The Dungeon, and for whom they're mere pawns in a game, decided to test him by giving him an illusion of being back home and having all that he ever wanted. He didn't fall for it and was brought back, his memory of the event being wiped afterwards, though he still occasionally recalls troubling bits and pieces of it. The wondrous white suits given to them in the third world are also taken away during this transfer.
On another note, the author obviously likes dinosaurs and had to find a way to fit them into his book. Fitting them in was easy, but he made a slip: Chang Guafe calls them by their Earth names. His species never reached Earth, so how could he know all that?
About the story, Annie rebels when entering the fifth world, considering that Finnbogg kept her from exiting The Dungeon when she had the chance at the end of the second book, and wants to look for a way out. Clive wants to look for a way to the next level, still in search of his brother. So all the others choose who to follow. As expected, the group splits evenly, Smithe, Chang Guafe and Finnbogg going with Clive, and Sidi, rescued at the end of book two, Shriek and Thomas going with Annie. The two groups are followed in alternating chapters, their adventures showing two completely different parts of this fifth world.
SpoilerStill, again as expected, they meet again at the end, to move on to the sixth.