A review by wildflowerz76
Bake Sale Murder by Leslie Meier


First, the positive: I got this one free from Amazon. Apparently it's the 13th in a series, but it doesn't feel like that. I loathe reading book out of order. And while this does feel like a series book, it doesn't, at all, feel like I've missed anything by just reading this book. I mean, Lucy's just meeting a lot of her neighbors! Anyway, this one was also very readable and kept me interested right until the end. I didn't see it coming as far as the culprit either.

Now, the negative: Lucy's kind of a dumbass. She stumbles into all sorts of situations that she shouldn't be in and she can't manage her time well. Her daughter's distraught about something and makes her drive an hour out of her way to pick her up and yet she doesn't demand answers at all. Sue is a hateful bitch with no apparent redeeming qualities as a friend. The entire town, including Lucy's husband, doesn't seem to care that the football team is being hazed, including harassing the cheerleaders, one of which is Lucy's daughter, as long as the team is finally winning games. Also, was there another reason why the brother came to town? Because he never actually talked to anyone. His part seemed thrown together and unnecessary. Also, what was the deal with Mimi's husband? That was never really explained either.

*SPOILERS* In the end, no one seemed to care why the hazing was going on. There was never any explanation on what the coach thought it would accomplish or any punishment for the kids who went along with it. The book could do with some better proofreading for continuity also. At least twice, the author makes a point of saying that Mimi's older than her brother. Yet in the report in the paper in the end, Mimi's listed as a few years younger than her brother. Also, how the hell would Bonnie make the brother drink the alcohol? How would she get close enough to him to get him to do it either? I mean, all reports were that he ran from anyone and everyone that got near him.