A review by stefhyena
Southern Discomfort by Margaret Maron


This one is a bit dated, a bit all over the place (especially the first few chapters) but still very enjoyable. I could have done without the thing about dogs which plays into stereotypes. The prologue sort of gives away some stuff and Maron can't seem to decide whether this is a mystery or a soapie...but it's not too bad in terms of characterisation and especially Deborah Knott being quite powerful and very capable.

There's a scene where a DV perpetrator gets sent to gaol which is very satisfying despite the fact that in reality they tend not to show their true colours in court quite so much and are more likely to sweet-talk their way out of trouble. But there's an element of escapism about cosy mysteries so that's forgivable. The stuff about girls' friendships is verging on benign homophobia but I think it's unintentional and maybe the author has some unresolved baggage.

The women's collective building houses is cool and I think I will read more of these just hoping for more of that.