A review by reddyrat
ヴァンパイア騎士 7 by Matsuri Hino


The seventh Vampire Knight volume is all about Yuki seeking her past. She was attacked by a vampire ten years ago and saved by Kaname. That's all she knows. Everything before that is a blank.

Yuki is sure that Kaname knows something about her past but is afraid to ask him. At first, she goes to ask but chickens out. She worships Kaname and is terrified that he'll think poorly of her

So trusty Zero goes to ask Kaname instead. Not being Kaname's biggest fan, his question sounds a lot like an accusation - "Did you erase Yuki's memories or not?" Pretty soon, Zero and Kaname come to blows. Zero points the vampire gun at Kaname and Kaname has his hand around Zero's neck. Kaname makes it clear that Zero is a tool for him - a means to an end - he has plans for Zero. In the meantime, Kaname offers Zero his blood. The blood of a pureblood vampire can help stave off Level E insanity and infuse Zero with strength. The contrast between guy taking blood from guy and guy taking blood from girl is amusing. The guy/girl blood connection is extremely sensual. The drawing of Zero taking blood from Kaname features a desperate-looking Zero and a bored, solemn Kaname.

Yuki finally works up the courage to ask Kaname about her past. He refuses to tell her. Instead, he asks her to be his lover. I sure hope something got lost in the translation. If someone said to me, "Will you be my lover?" I'd laugh in their face. Subtlety goes a long way. The drawings make up for the silly dialogue. Hino definitely knows how to portray passion in her art.

The volume ends with Kaname sneaking Yuki away from her dorm room. His jaw is at her neck...can't wait to see where this goes!