A review by saltygalreads
The Therapist by B.A. Paris


Alice and Leo have just moved in together after dating for 6 months. They have moved into a gated community called The Circle in an upper class area of London. The new neighbors seem nice enough and certainly are very chummy with each other. However Alice becomes aware of an upsetting secret about her new house, and soon she is consumed with uncovering the secrets of The Circle and the previous residents of her home.

I loved the overall concept of The Therapist - a couple move into an exclusive gated community where everyone is hiding secrets, yet they all seem to know too much about each other. There is no privacy, yet hidden dark secrets remain. I also appreciated the outsider theme running through the novel. Alice is an outsider - she doesn't know the neighbors yet, doesn't know her way around London, and ultimately, doesn't know very much about the man she is living with. She is a flawed character, who hasn't forgiven herself for past mistakes and jumps quickly to conclusions. She is a mess of contradictions; making snap decisions, trusting strangers too quickly while harbouring suspicions of people she knows.

I have mixed feelings about The Therapist. I enjoyed the characters and the pace, although the twists in the plot were a little confusing at times. The conclusion to the mystery was a bit lacking for me and I found the motivation/explanation behind the mystery somewhat unbelievable. However it was an enjoyable read and most mystery/thriller readers would be perfectly happy with it I believe.