A review by mweis
Adventures in Volcanoland: An Exploration of Volcanic Places and What They Tell Us About the World and About Ourselves by Tamsin Mather


*I received an eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

For me, Adventures in Volcanoland is to volcanoes, what The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs: A New History of a Lost World was for dinosaurs, and as a lover of both volcanoes and dinosaurs, I am so happy that there are experts willing to write about the topics they love in layman's terms.

I love that Tamsin Mather starts this book out with a childhood trip to Pompeii because I think for many, myself included, Pompeii and the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius is the first example learned about when talking about volcanoes and volcanic eruptions. This is science heavy but well explained and I love that she drops bits about her own travels and experiences throughout the story, and that she includes how volcanoes shaped or were incorporated into local communities and cultures.

The last section of the book is also deals with space volcanoes (which is not something I knew existed but now need to learn more about) and with how what we know about volcanoes can help us navigate the current climate crisis.

Overall, I thought this was a really great example of good science communication and highly recommend for anyone looking for a new science book or who also never grew out of their childhood volcano phase.