A review by wtb_michael
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot by David Shafer


A sprawling and funny novel that speculates chillingly on the future of surveilliance and online life. The slightly bonkers techno-thriller plot is gripping, but the three memorable characters that drive it are really what raise this to the next level. The writing is sharp and witty, finding a good balance between propulsive action and more literary flourishes. A lot of reviewers have complained about the slightly abrupt ending, but it's hard to imagine how Shafer could have finished this off more satisfyingly - still, if you need your plot loose ends all tied up, you're going to be frustrated by this one. There's a definite DeLillo/Pynchon vibe going on here, but Shafer's writing is much more accessible than either and reminded me more of the more gripping bits of [b:Infinite Jest|6759|Infinite Jest|David Foster Wallace|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1437328527s/6759.jpg|3271542]. The ambition is a bit more constrained, but the themes and tone are similar.