A review by bethreadsandnaps
The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff


I have tried two previous Lauren Groff novels and wasn't that impressed. So I went into this one with pretty low expectations. I decided to listen to this one, and maybe that is a better way FOR ME to take in Groff's writing.

In this novel, Lamentations (aka "the girl"), who is a servant, flees the settlement in the middle of winter. This is part adventure story - part meditation. And I did enjoy this novel a whole lot more than her other novels. Again, I think the listening experience was a great way to take in Groff's beautiful writing that I might not have as much patience for in print. 

I was invested in the girl's story as well as willing to go wherever Groff's writing took the reader. Toward the end, the tedium did start to set in, but it's a short novel. Did this blow my mind? Not really, but it is very strong writing with a compelling premise.