A review by karnic
Reckless by Elsie Silver


I don’t know how, but this book was better than heartless, and I love that book through and through but this book oh my god, my feelings

Learning everything we learned about Winter I wish I could stand in front of her right now and give her the biggest hug ever and tell her that life gets better and everything is going to be OK because it was and she had it hard for so long and she deserved better And she finally got it and she didn’t know how to deal with it…..

i’ve never loved a female character so much it is just so realistic and relatable and I read this book and a span of working today all day and finally finished it but winter is lovable and she doesn’t know it. She is such a lovable character and she didn’t even know it and it sucks so much when you are lovable and you don’t even know it it sucks it hurts , and that is what she went through. She never thought she was lovable. She never thought she was nice, but she was and she can be no one ever gave her the chance until she met Theo that man changed everything for her and a span of one night it was the best fucking thing.

So I knew I was going to love Theo when he was first introduced. I was very excited for this book. I never had any doubt in him even when we read what we read in the middle-ish chapters, but that man if that man could be real oh my God Theo Silva was the best is the best the best at everything and the thing is do you know what’s amazing that when he made mistakes, he realized it like right then and there he realized that he made a mistake I just love him I will go into a more detailed better review later, but this is all I got for now

I loved Theo and Winters love story they both deserved it. It made me so happy and so sad and so happy many many times it was so worth it. I can’t wait for the next one.

I will say I love me some spicy books but I love me some books with feeling that make you feel shit and this book made me feel shit deep down inside and honest to God I’d give it a spicy rating of maybe 11.5 what we got was amazing though and honestly in my opinion it wasn’t even necessary , this book gets a 10 out of 10