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A review by bryckk
Gild by Raven Kennedy


How do you know when a series will slap? When you breeze through 400+ pages and the author hasn't revealed the heroine's love interest yet! - 5 Stars

Auren is a young woman kept in a gilded cage... literally.

The reason for this is because Auren is not just any woman... she is the favored of King Midas. The reason being, you've guessed it... she's made of GOLD.

King Midas is the ruler or Orea, a land once besieged in poverty. He brings wealth to the land by his ability to turn things he touches to gold. Auren has a special place amongst his "saddles", also known as his harem. However, Auren is his favored of the harem due to her anomaly. When King Midas makes an deal with another Kingdom, with Auren being his bargaining chip, everything goes to hell and Auren ends up in the hands of the enemy.

This book surprised the hell out of me. First, because there were no smutty scenes or graphic sex and I didn't notice. Second, because it was over 400 pages and I seemed to gobble up the entire book in less than a day. It's taken me longer to read books with 250 pages or less. Probably because the storyline wasn't as engaging.

Auren intrigued me from the very beginning. I loved her sense of humor, in spite of living in a cage for more than 10 years. I loved how she loved King Midas, in spite of his obvious flaws and disregard for her feelings. It showed how devoted she is. King Midas is a snake and I kept hoping that she would see and realize this but if she did, so suddenly, where would the storyline go?

I am more intrigued with Commander Rip. I can't help but believe that there is more to this commander that meets the eye. So, you know that I have already downloaded Book Two. The teaser of him in this book was enough to get me salivating!

Raven Kennedy did an excellent job of world-building in this book without it being boring. I can't wait to read the next installment. I highly recommend!

Happy Reading!