A review by tween2teenbookreviews
Shatter Me Series Box Set: Shatter Me, Unravel Me, Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi


This book is not for younger YA readers. It has some adult content and language. Unravel Me is AMAZING! I recommend it to all YA readers. It's a dystopian-fantasy novel. Let me tell you, the end, or half the book for that matter, I never saw it coming. Unravel Me is the sequel to Shatter Me, which came out last year. Unravel Me takes place probably about twenty or so years in the future, but the world is SO different from ours. It's a hard place and I do NOT envy its inhabitants (even if some of them get awesome powers). Personally, I believe Tahereh Mafi likes to torture the characters, but that's just me.

The main character is Juliette. And oh my god, she is awesome. Awesomesauce actually. She is insanely powerful, and insane (partially) for that matter. She's had an extremely rough childhood, but has come out stronger, even if she hasn't realized it yet. She definitely gets some reality checks during the book. Let me tell you, surprise doesn't even begin to describe what I felt when we found some things out about the characters. Namely, wait I can't say that. You'll just have to read the book. :D Something Tahereh Mafi can do, and I hate her for it, is make you fall in love with the bad guy. There's a love triangle between Juliette (main character), Adam (childhood friend), and Warner (son of the Supreme Commander). In the first book, I hated Warner. When Tahereh released a novella from his point of view, I pitied him. Now, with new revelations, I'm just as in love with him as I am with Adam (maybe more so) and definitely as in love with him as Juliette is.

Let me say this, anyone who follows Tahereh Mafi, Chapter 62 does not disappoint. Now that that's out of the way, I can finish reviewing this book. I never saw half the things coming, which is hard when I read a book. Some things just feel so obvious, but this book, totally blind. And after reading the end, let's just say, this fall (when the last book comes out) couldn't come soon enough. I am really impressed with Tahereh's writing. She's really talented. And I love reading from Juliette's point of view. It's really interesting to see inside her mind. Like, really really interesting. Check out Tahereh Mafi's website and Facebook page. Also check out the Shatter Me Facebook page. I love the style of writing and it's one not often seen in books, much less YA Lit. I give this book a fat five stars.