A review by spicy_knightreader
Killer Kiss by Elle Thorpe


I’m not going to lie to you, Auggie had a loooot of ground to cover with me because I was still holding a grudge from the Saint View High days. I was a little scared to get to his book. I didn’t think I would be able to enjoy it because I couldn’t get past his history with Banjo. That being said, I loved Auggie’s story. He’s still an ass, but he definitely came back for me from where he stood in Saint View High. I adored how everything in Saint View tied together here. We get so much more background on Ophelia and Vincent/Scythes family background.

Ophelia and Auggie bump into each other one night while Auggie is out searching for Fawn. It seems from that point, they can’t stop running into each other. All seems to be going well, until Ophelia gets orders to kill Auggie. While investigating her target, she can’t help but fall for Auggie. It was such a perfect enemies to lovers story line. The chemistry between the two was absolutely SMOKING. They were sooo good together.

What sold me on this book was seeing how much Auggie truly cared for his brother and especially his niece. Luna really brought the brothers back together with her love for both of them.

Elle managed to create the perfect redemption for Auggie in my eyes and I loved this journey so much.

I received an advanced copy for review but all thought an opinions are my own!