A review by itssyryus
A Galaxy In My Mind by Ionel Rusanu


First I want to thank Mr. Rusanu for sending me a free copy and allowing me to review it.
It was a fluent and nice story. It caught my eye since I saw the title (big astronomy geek) and it didn't disappoint me. The story is fluent, well-written and also well-detailed (didn't expect of those descriptions). I love that Ava and Klarion's love seems so surreal, so untouchable. I liked the plot about the woman who discovered that she is a clone specially designed to resist the alien's overlords. The only minus for me was that in some parts of the story, the dialogue was too stitled for my taste and experience. At some points you could say that some of the characters were robots and they were respecting a speech pattern. Besides that I really liked the idea and the plot.