A review by secondhandbookshelves
House of Vampires and Flame by Meg Xuemei X

  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No


Read this with a bunch of friends. I did laugh, mostly at how ridiculous it was.

That being said:
I do not like the writing style.
There are so many things that annoyed me - flippant FMC who has been on the run for 8 years but somehow gets caught very easily multiple times and makes decisions without actual consideration of anything at all. 

There are some funny bits and cute lines but things are incredibly repetitive and the math of her age doesn't fit. 

She is very simple minded 90% of the time (she let's people walk all over her, doesn't care when things go sideways, and even though things have been explained to her multiple times she still assumes the human equivalent - health insurance, burying people, carrying shields - and while it got a chuckle the first time it was definitely overused)

There's plenty of slut shaming and fat shaming too 
Even though she's "an echo and nullifies magic" she uses elemental magic frequently and quite well. She learns from watching and immediately masters everything she tries. 
Very Wicker Basket of her (so clumsy, such expert, everyone fighting over her)

About halfway through I realized it was the movie She's the Man but with supernatural creatures. 
It even ends like the soccer match (except apparently it's hockey but there's no playing)

Oh and apparently the only character I liked died but not really sure since she had like two lines, disappeared and someone mentioned she was "gone".