A review by skyhazzard
Twilight by Meg Cabot


This is more like a fangirling mess, so read at your own caution

I laughed, I cried. I change my mind, this is my favorite book of the series. Everything was just perfect. Reading it I could remember the first time I ever read this book and just...all the feels.

SpoilerThis book just had everything. Suze and Jesse are dating and making out and being cute and making my feels go everywhere. And all the scenes with Paul were on point. And then we're on a mission: stop Paul from going back in time to save Jesse. Live Jesse! OMG I loved seeing live Jesse!! Suze was trying to tell him what's going on and he's just like this girl is crazy lol. And he felt so protective of her already for only having just met her, he was ready to beat Paul down. And he ran through fire for her!

Then Suze accidentally brings him back to the future and it's just like OMG. And they take him to the hospital and Suze is crying and I'm crying. Father D comes and there's some more crying. Then Jesse's ghost shows up and just what are tears. And he gets sucked back into his body! But then he woke up and he said querida and it was just like *pool of tears*.

The part that always makes me cry most is the end. When Suze is at the dance with Jesse and she sees her dad off to the side. And he's kind of fading away because he's ready to move on. Suze is finally happy and that's what was keeping him there all this time and it just hits me with the feels. I always end this book crying.

And I'm still always left wanting more...and now there finally is more and I cry with happiness!!

Reading Status:
pg. 1: Awww flashback ;_;
pg. 37: Jesse is Suze's home, I cry :')
pg. 40: squeeee my OTP
pg. 129: Andy is the bombdotcom
pg. 139: squee date night!
pg. 175: live Jesse ahhhh
pg. 185: Jesse can't handle this future knowledge!
pg. 226: Excuse all the tears
pg. 244: I'm just a mess at this point tbh