A review by ruekeyronay
Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid


The thing about Taylor Jenkins Reid it that her characters and her writing is fantastic. As it goes a good plot can't carry a bad character but good characters can carry a bad plot.

I'm not saying that the storylines are bad in her books, they're far from it, actually very entertaining. But if I had to judge the book based on the story alone my rating would be lower.

It's not really the story that gets you but the characters and the way they come to life. It doesn't matter if you connect with them or not, they're fascinating to read about. You'll hate a character one second, think they're making sense the next and then fall in love with them. And then start all over again.

Daisy Jones and The Six follows the rise and fall of said band and the individuals' life before and after they came together and broke up. Some things I wouldn't have ever assumed would happen if the characters hadn't said it outright. Like the romance between certain characters.

Daisy Jones like Evelyn Hugo was a complicated character but one I loved. She was unapologetically her, even more so than Evelyn. The latter knew she had to butter up certain people to get to the top, Daisy Jones walked in and if you didn't like even one part of her, she'd walk right out.

I didn't like Billy, at all. It's true that there is always a person who stands out more than the rest in a group but I think Billy took too much of an advantage of that. He was an asshole to everyone and especially his brother and he honest to God did not care about anyone else's opinions or views. He's the only character I disliked in the book

I didn't respect the decisions a certain character made and her reasoning seemed shallow to me but everyone has their own views on what someone deserves and what they don't and I can agree with that.

I definitely enjoyed Daisy Jones and The Six more than The Seven Husbands and I recommend it to everyone.