A review by holmstead
Into the Darkest Corner by Elizabeth Haynes


This was my first reading Haynes' work, as is the first novel for her as well. And I must say this gave me chills. At first you don't realize why Cathy is the way she is. And then once it unfolds you can understand her condition. She completely evolves in so many ways throughout the story. At first, she's a single, outgoing, carefree happy woman. Then things happen and she turns, building this horrifying, scared, and self-tortuous world. What she experienced, I start to emotionally empathize with her. Then as she meets Stuart and others who help her manage and take back her life, you start to root for her and just feel so good she's taking control. At times, I was really freaked out....made me want to start locking and checking MY doors and windows!

So when a writer can convey that and make the reader feel, you know she's doing something right. I trust more stories by Haynes will deliver as well. Looking forward to it...I give it 3.5 stars. :)