A review by starzyk
The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black


Honestly, as bad and underwhelming as the other 2 books were, I at least expected this one to be on par with them. It was somehow worse. Nothing happens in this book. There are a ton of plot points, but everything is so rushed through that there is no time to unpack or savor anything that happens. I also think Holly Black had a great opportunity to break an overused YA trope. It was right there for her to take, but instead, she falls into the trope harder than most authors. See the spoiler below for details about this. Nothing exciting, unexpected, or new happened in this book and there were very few great moments because of the rush. Honestly, my favorite moment happens in the first few chapters. The only character who has a consistent personality in this book is Jude, but that's only when it isn't about her feelings for Cardan. Honestly, this is one of the worst romances I've ever read. It could have been great. I enjoy an enemies to lovers or even love-hate relationships, but they need to be well written and consistent to be believable.

This would be one star if I didn't like Jude's character.

SpoilerSHE SHOULD HAVE KILLED CARDAN INSTEAD OF HIM CRAWLING OUT OF THE SNAKE. This book's ending is wrapped up nicely into a little bow and its infuriating. Jude should have been the ruler that emerged from the blood. We have never seen Cardan actually rule, but are expected to accept at all times that his charm makes him a good ruler. It doesn't. Jude ran the throne well when she was Seneschal. It would have been much better to see Jude grieve over his loss, but take her rightful place as queen until Oak came of age. With the lands magic behind her, the people would have followed her despite being mortal. It would have challenged her to learn to be in the spotlight instead of solely working in the shadows as she preferred.