A review by blogginboutbooks
Sunny by Jason Reynolds


I listened to the whole Track series in 2022 except SUNNY because I mistakenly thought it was the last book, not the third. Oops! Reading the books in order doesn't matter a whole lot, actually, but anyway, I have now finished the series and I love it.

SUNNY focuses on long-distance runner Sunny Lancaster. He's a bright, fun character who continually describes himself as "weird." What he means by weird is creative and energetic with a body that craves movement and a mind that beepops here, there, and everywhere. To me, Sunny is charming and lovable. Because of that colorful personality, Sunny's story is upbeat and funny. It also has a poignancy to it thanks to the grief that he and his father carry so heavily. The novel is about Sunny facing that sadness and healing from it. So, while SUNNY is an engaging, smile-inducing story, it's also a moving tale that tugs at the heartstrings. Like all of the books in this series, it's entertaining, empowering, and enjoyable. It's just got a little extra sparkle because of Sunny's well...sunniness.

I've listened to this whole series on audio because the narrator, Guy Lockard, does such an incredible, authentic job of bringing these voices and stories to life. At the end of this audiobook, both Reynolds and Lockard talk about producing the Track series as well as about their long-time friendship. It added some interesting extra insight into the books and their creators.