A review by carlyheath_
Only Fools and Stories: From Del Boy to Granville, Pop Larkin to Frost by David Jason


3.5/4 stars

“Fun to recall those times and those laughs and those scenes. But I don’t go back and watch the show these days. Sometimes I might stumble across it when I’m flicking through the channels and I might pause for a while and watch a bit, just to remind myself what it was like, and that I was there. But I never watch for long. It’s too painful, looking at that young bloke on the telly - the bloke I still think of myself as being, really, inside my head, until I look in the mirror and remember that I’m not. How bittersweet to see yourself as you once were. It’s one thing in a photograph, but moving images on the television are so completely realised, somehow, and I find their impact is far heavier. It’s a version of yourself that’s gone, but television makes it alive. That’s a very difficult bridge to cross in my mind.”