A review by lizgregory
Perfect Sound Whatever by James Acaster


maybe im just a basic mainstream pop girl but how can a book entirely about music from 2016 not include starboy or lady wood? despicable. and yet... ive now been introduced to a metalcore band called okilly dokilly who write music devoted to ned flanders.

i listened to a good chunk of the albums but actually to me they were like nails on a chalkboard. i was tricked by the meaning and backstory james gave them, which were entertaining to a point but soon i found it insane bands were putting so much into their music but i still could not understand how people endured it recreationally. they got repetitive and dull.

but that's not the point anyway - it did make me try new music suited to my own taste and weigh up my personal best year for music of all time (it's 2003, what about it).

in the end i was in it for the personal anecdotes more than anything else because without the structure and humour of them i think i'd have given up around the 100 page mark. that's not because it's a bad book, it's just not a topic im heavily invested in the way that james is, and i think you probably have to be to get the most out of it.