At the point where I thought Meg was gone I thought okay maybe it is okay because I’m a whore for sad shit. But then when I realized she came back I got pissed off. The whole point was that she was his phantom limb and she was supposed to be painful?? Like what?? Why are you still here. I strongly dislike Otis. He is obsessed with his childhood sweetheart who he hasn’t spoken to for 3 years, and then when we find out why she hasn’t spoken to him, SHE MAKES IT ABOUT HER LIKE BESTIE HIS BROTHER DIED. THIS ISNT ABOUT YOU. And this man was so fucking horny and sure it may be true but stop talking about it. We get it. He can’t have a convo with a girl without looking at her boobs. The only good good character is Dara. I wish the book was about her. I think if the storyline was about her experience in Hawaii with the shark attack I would of been more interested, but even if the author came out with a book like that I wouldn’t read it. It’s like he took her story line and decided okay loosing an arm and losing a best friend is like the same feeling? Like no? She actually experiences pain that she has to take meds for? Idk I think it’s unfair to Dara. Also Otis fetishizing lesbian sex did not need to happen.