A review by eowyns_helmet
Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira


Having just finished Jane Gardam's masterpiece epistolary novel, [b:The Queen of the Tambourine|268104|The Queen of the Tambourine|Jane Gardam|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347701173s/268104.jpg|1179188], it's asking too much for this nicely-done book for teens to measure up. Flourless dark chocolate cake vs. an MM; the Rockies vs. the pleasant hill near my house. I guess what makes me shrug is the utter predictability of a certain kind of YA book, as if it's written on a very precise formula (as many genre romance books are). There are zero surprises, zero reversals. I can see how this would be a great read for a certain kind of teen but the impact of the book would be slight for many more.