A review by purplemoonmyst
The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller


my review

If you are anything like me, then you most often get pulled in many different directions. This leads to much time wasted as we hop from project to project, and then we wonder why nothing ever gets done. I have read tons of different time management books and while I am really fond of Getting Things Done I had to admit that The One Thing had a point. If we are spread out too thin, then we will not be the master of anything. We will be a mediocre jack of all trades, and no one wants to me mediocre.

I read this last month, and I have been implementing it in my life and my business. Right now that revolves around the act of writing. There are things I wish I could become a master of, like cooking, but before I was trying to do so much and everything suffered.

Since implementing and focusing ONLY on writing, I have been able to hone my craft and become more proficient. I dropped trying to be a graphic artist and a web designer, and everything that was having an online business seems to entail. I can still make a pretty blog graphics, but I am not trying to make it into an art form like I was before. I have decided to save up money to hire a professional web designer and forget to tinker for hours with my blog.

In retrospect, I should have done all of that from the start. I mean can you imagine if Olympic athletes tried to be a master at ALL sports? We would have no elite athletes cause it is impossible. Same for us mere mortals. We have to pick the think that we want to master and drop everything else.

Gary Keller explains the theory behind this concept very well. At first, I was sceptical. I mean how can you just do ONE THING? Then as he explained the reasoning behind the theory, I began to understand how focusing on your ONE THING can actually enhance your life. I must admit I had been happier when I started focusing on improving my writing and letting other people do their ONE THING and we all as a society benefit.

I highly recommend reading this book if you are in business in any way. It will revolutionize your business and life.This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land