A review by bookswithdes
So Not Meant To Be by Meghan Quinn


OH MY GOSH. OH MY GOSH. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! What is in this book?!?!? This is THE BEST BOOK I'VE EVER READ. Meghan Quinn, you deserve a Nobel Prize for this book. I simply picked this book up to just because I knew I LOVED Meghan Quinn's writing, but OH MY GOSH. NO JOKE. MY LIFE IS FOREVER CHANGED. Do you know how good a book has to be to hook you in from the PROLOGUE? BECAUSE THIS HOOKED ME IN FROM JUST THE PROLOGUE. JP FREAKING CANE. WHAT A MAN. Not only is this man a PERFECT SPECIMEN, charismatic, witty, sarcastic, endearing, charitable but he is THE PERFECT rambling blubbering mess. I mean, how can you not fall in love with a man who is obsessed with a pigeon named Kazoo? Who goes on obsessive rants that pigeons are overlooked as a species and donates thousands of dollars to a pigeon charity. Who uses pigeon analogies when having a mental breakdown. And then, this man has been head over heels in love with this moment since he laid eyes on her. UGH. *swoons* And then, his relationship with Breaker had me on my KNEES EVERY DAMN TIME. And, if you've read chapter 3, sheesh, where JP puts on a particular performance, MY GOODESS. This man had me screaming my lungs out of existence. Another thing I LOVED, is that at least one couple from each series in the Meghan Quinn universe is featured in Kelsey's podcast.

If you want to laugh so much that your voice is hoarse, tears are spilling out of your eyes from the overexertion of breath expelling from your very lungs, then read this. Holy shit, I knew Meghan Quinn has THE BEST humor in her books, but THIS??? This is on another level. And it's not just a few moments here and there, it is scattered all of this book. Like multiple times within one chapter. If you are thinking about reading this book, don't just think. JUST DO IT. PICK IT UP, BUY IT, READ IT, HAVE AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE, AND THEN HAVE YOUR LIFE CHANGED FOREVER. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT AND IF YOU DO, THEN YOU HAVE TERRIBLE TASTE. SORRY NOT SORRY. That's it, please read it.

Favorite quotes/scenes:

-literally anything mentioning pigeons and Kazoo

-"My fear of commitment is a real thing. But I'll say this—if anyone was going to change my mind about that, it would be Kelsey. She's...hell, she's all kinds of special. From the moment I saw her during her pitch meeting with us, I was wowed. But working closely together, I was enamored. Her smile, her positive outlook on life, her fucking gorgeous eyes, she stole my breath, and it was the first time in my goddamn life that I actually thought to myself...she could be my forever." (mind you, this is the PROLOGUE)

-"Hypercritical fishwife isn't what I call a good first date or a match for that matter."
"Yup. Already called you a shrew, thought fishwife would be a good second option."
"Yeah...well, you're a...you're a..."
"A what?"
"A shortsighted boob."

-"Dear god! It's on my nose! Your genitals are on my freaking nose!"
"I fucking know! But I can't get up because you're still holding on to me."
"I've been tea-bagged."
"Let the fuck GO, KELSEY!"
"I've been defiled.'
"You've been defiled? I'm the one who's been stripped bare."

-"I just want you to know I'm not the kind of girl who enjoys balls on her face." (oh girl, just wait)
"Such a shame."

-"I wanted to show her I could be someone she could depend on. Some who fulfills what she's looking for. The light touches. The interesting conversation. The self-deprecating stories."

-"JP? What are you doing?"
"What are you smelling?"
"The wall." I answer, and then to my horror, I spin around, plant my nose right on the wall, and take a big old whiff.
"Why are you smelling the wall?"
"Favorite pastime. Smell a wall in your spare time."

-"He sort of makes me feel alive. Like a part of me has been missing and he's woken it up."

-"I remember everything that involves you. Everything. From what you wore the very first day I met you—a blue turtleneck dress—to the way you smelled when we shared an elevator for the first time—like vanilla and brown sugar—to the way you tasted the first time I had a chance to be intimate with you—like a fucking sunset on a rainy day."

-"I love you, Kelsey. I'm pretty sure I've loved you from the moment I watched your face fall during that first pitch. And I know, for the rest of my life, I won't stop loving you, ever, because you were meant to be with me. I know, deep in my soul, to the very marrow of my bones, that you're my girl, and I'll spend the rest of my life proving that to you."

-"Is it too soon to beg you to move in with me?"
"How about we go on a date first?"
"Date first, the bedroom next, and then you move in with me."
"Okay, date first, the bedroom next, and then we talk about possibly moving in."
"Sounds like a plan, baby."

-"I said it once and I'll say it again—this is where I'm supposed to be. With Kelsey, celebrating the small, yet weird, things like a pigeon who captured my attention months ago."

-"What was once Huxley's mistake, has now turned into a win for me, because if Huxley never met the love of his life, then I never would've met mine. The girl who wanted nothing to do with me at first. Then slowly wanted to be my friend. And then, in the best way possible, she chose me for who I am. She chose Jonah."