A review by nadaabouelnasr
What I Know for Sure by Oprah Winfrey


Picked this up months ago then put it down bec self-help books just aren’t my thing
Picked it up again after the “were you silent or you were silencED” ahaha hahaha

anyways. There were some good quotes in there. But again, I can’t relate to so many things bec I don’t live in a first world country and don’t have all those opportunities or the luxury of ‘following where my heart takes me’ stuff that westerners have the privilege of saying.

there was this one chapter that she claims that being an overachiever means that we are trying so hard to prove ourselves to the world when “our very existence in this world is already worthy and there’s nothing to prove” but like honey .-. some of us work hard bec .-. we literally have to .-. Or else we won’t survive in our society .-. And even that might not be enough to be considered worthy .-.

Want to read a self-help book written by a female author who’s lived in the Middle East, or more specifically in Egypt.
And preferably not someone born into privilege like that hadyawhatshername instagrammer or whatever

If anyone knows any good recommendations please hmu