A review by bookishblond
Sex with Kings by Eleanor Herman


I purchased this book immediately after finishing Herman's [b:Sex with the Queen: 900 Years of Vile Kings, Virile Lovers, and Passionate Politics|16179|Sex with the Queen 900 Years of Vile Kings, Virile Lovers, and Passionate Politics |Eleanor Herman|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1166719842s/16179.jpg|641167]. Sex with Kings is well written with incredibly clever writing, but it is not very well organized. I found it to be a bit repetitive. This book would have worked much better if it was written chronologically, which is luckily exactly how Herman organized her next book, Sex with the Queen. It was unfortunately quite difficult to follow the kings, queens and mistresses that were covered. However, I can easily forgive Herman for this, as it is more of her editor's fault. This book is history at its best. Absolutely absorbing.